Friday, October 17, 2008

Nothing But Time

I've got TIME ON MY HANDS!! A few days ago I was let go, fired, given my walking papers or whatever you want to call it! YIKES!! I have been working for my sister at LIFETREE CLINICAL RESEARCH. This came as somewhat of a surprise. Alice's company has recieved several awards....19th out of 50 for the Fastest Growing Company in Utah and she was also nominated as one of the top Business Women in Utah to watch! She started this company from the ground up and has put endless hours making it a thriving business. The Economic Crisis has hit home and she had to let 30% of her employees go. I believe she had something like 80 employees. That is a big number to hand walking papers to!! This gave me a BIG reality check, I feel like I need to tighten my spending belt. I am a shopaholic for sure! I love to buy what I want and it has been so nice to have that extra money that I don't have to answer to anyone for. It's gone just like that.......

However...this could be a good thing...I have TIME.... TIME for all those things I should be doing. Cleaning, shopping, organizing, playing with grandkids, shopping, reading, blogging for sure, visiting teaching, service, shopping, and focusing on the important things in life. This seriously is a scary time for me....and I'm sure for everyone. I'm not really worried about the money lets be honest, I am fine and Mark provides very well for us but who knows what will happen with the economy. People are loosing a ton of money in the stock market, consumers are not out spending, employees are being laid off, the WAR, the upcoming election etc. The world seems to be quite unsettled. Hopefully things will settle down and I can go shopping again and get my job back!! Until then I will be an at home mom 24/7.


Grandma said...

Your Blog is so AWESOME!! I feel bad that I don't have a Mac! However, learning to use it is another thing! How about giving some of that time to help me with the geneology? I need help big time! Lots of it is organization. I too love to shop but have slowed down mega in the past year. However, in the fabric area I have increased my shopping big time! Material Girl is very addictive! I did it again today! I might mention it was with you!

Alice said...

I did not even know you had a blog until Mom told me. Needless to say I read your accounting of your firing closely! I have been SO fortunate to have you work for me at SCIREX and at Lifetree. You have always been supportive and been there to do the jobs that no one else wants to do! Same with Cari. Thanks for that and you will be back before you know it!

Tara said...

Hey there you will be back in no time and boy Linda do I miss you dearly, tear! We need to have our quilting session soon, I am having withdrawls from seeing you everyday, even if it was for 10 minutes :)

Nicole said...

I must say I'm not that disappointed...more time with the grandkids sounds great to me! :) Thank you so much for taking them to the scarecrow festival! They loved is all I heard about sunday morning! Love you!

Darcie said...

Oh please let this lay-off thing not last long! Work is quite lonely without my neighbor. Your cubicle is much too empty these days. I loved your post about neg vs. pos attitudes. It kept me from nagging my husband tonight (he thanks you!). And please, please, please use some of that time on your hands to teach me to quilt! I'm holding you to that promise young lady.

Jenny Rossi said...

Hey champ!! :) So you got fired huh, whats the world coming to when LINDA MONSEN gets the boot. Nah really sorry about that, but you do need to do more shopping :). Or you could just make more quilts, feel free to provide me with one someday! I need to come see the pics on your wall, i hope they all turned out ok. See ya woman! CIT

Katie said...

Time, time, time...Lets be honest. Is that something you'll ever have? Although, it may be nice to have a few of those lunch dates back ;) And did I hear SHOPPING? I think Fashion Square may be calling our names...

The Sieverts said...

I'm so sad too. No extra money in time for Christmas and Landscaping our yard! Money i planned on! Darn. We'll have to tighten our belt too.- Thanks for helping me on the little quilting projects. I have some more questions when you have time. love ya!