Saturday, July 12, 2008


Ok, it is true, I am totally addicted to this blogging thing! The only problem is I am a dummie, sad but true. When Megan can't find me she knows exactly where to look... yes sitting at my computer. I am possessed with finding out new techniques and ways to blog. I find myself late at night sneaking into my computer to learn about this or that or early in the morning to start uploading pitures. Sometimes I will do a post 3-4 times to get it just right. This is crazyness... but so much fun!! Guess if you are addicted to something it just might as well be this right? So my next big learning curve is to try and change my blog title to something with a little more pazazz to it . For some this is a breeze, but I am working on it, we'll see how long it takes. Happy blogging everyone.


Grandma said...

I should be on your list of those who did not make San Diego! Darn

Tara said...

You are so addicted I love seeing you at work and talking about our blogs! I love you Linda you are so cute and lots of fun.

Rebecca said...

You are doing a fantastic job with your blog and I hear ya about the addiction!