Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bucketful of Tears

So SAD!!!! We had to put down our favorite horse. Dolla Reid has been a part of our family for 25 Years. Dolly was the leader of the herd.....she grew up with the girls, she was the horse everyone wanted to ride!!

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Mark, Megan and I went down to Mark's cousins place where we had Dolly in a stall. She had not been eating very well and we were keeping her indoors out of the cold. When we saw her my heart ached. Dolly had laid down and wouldn't/couldn't get up. I am a little more timid with the horses....I didn't realize I was so attached to her. When Mark is with the horses he talks to them just like they are carrying on a conversation........I swear sometimes they know just exactly what each other is saying. Poor Megan was so sad....she cried, we all cried buckets of tears. When Dolly saw us she neighed so excited that we were there. She struggled to try and get up to greet us but it just was not going to happen. Boo Hoo it was sooooooo sad!!! We knew at that point we could not just go home and leave her like that...we had to call a Vet to help us out and to put her out of her misery!! I am in hopes that there is a big green mountain pasture in heaven that she is running around in!! We all love her and will miss her!!


The Sieverts said...

Oh i'm crying too! i'm so sad for you! She was one of my favorites too that i always rode.

Nicole said...

I am so sad!!! I LOVED her! She was by far my favorite horse to ride. I think everyone always tried to claim her as "their" horse :) I'm glad you guys were able to go down there sunday. I know that she was glad to have you all there- wish I could have been too!

Emily said...

That is so sad, I am teary just reading this. Our animals are all such a part of our family. I am so so sorry. I guess it was just her time. I even remember riding her. That is just so sad......tears....sigh! Give Megan and Mark hugs!

Darcie said...

I'm so sorry Linda! She looks like a wonderful horse.

Katie said...

I'm going to miss Dolly, she was my favorite!!