Sunday, December 28, 2008

Unwanted Gift

December 17, 2008.
It was one of those days you dread happening......I was out Christmas shopping and got a phone call from Mark telling me that I needed to get to his parents house as quickly as I could. His dad had fallen and they were sure he had broken his leg. Mark was going straight to the hospital to meet the ambulance and I was going over to sit with his mom. When I got to their house the paramedics were just rolling the stretcher out to the ambulance. Kent looked like he was in so much pain and without question he had broken his femur bone. The next day he had surgery and they put a metal plate in his leg. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!



We love you and hope you mend quickly!!

1 comment:

The Collins said...

These are great Christmas pictures. Looks like ya'll had a blast! Megan's hair looks great. I love it that color!