Lucy is 18 days old......we are so happy to have this Cute Little Bundle finally home...
Isn't she adorable...oh I love this little girl ~Christmas Day in the Hospital~
The Bennion Family is complete!! ~for now~
Christmas Day was over way to quick once again. I promise myself each year that I will be more organized....I need to find a solution to the December madness.....However I do enjoy the hustle and bustle. Next year's plan is to leave the week of Christmas free and clear of last minute least it is a nice thought.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sweet Lucy Jayne Bennion
Little Lucydecided she wanted to share her mom's birthday and was born onDecember 11th.We are so happy to have such a sweet addition to our family. Lucy has had some struggles and we are working hard to get her well so she can come home. Both Sara and Lucy spiked a fever during labor and the doctors responded quickly to get them both on antibiotics. After many bouts ~spinal taps and blood tests~ with special doctors at St Mark's and Primary Childrens Hospital Lucy has been diagnosed with partial Spinal Meningitis. They are calling it partial because thanks to the doctors Lucy was immediately put on medication not knowing the reason for her temperature. This part has been the biggest blessing. The bacteria never had the chance to multiply and push her into having full blown Spinal Meningitis. We are so thankful for this blessing. Sara and Winston got a piece of bad news yesterday that Lucy has to stay in the hospital for 21 days so she can have the full spectrum of antibiotics. Of course this is so necessary but very hard to go home and leave your little one at the hospital. Sara is working hard to keep her milk and will go back and forth to feed Lucy. They hope to bring her home Jan 1 or 2. We are so thankful for Winston and the blessings that come through the Preisthood. We know that Lucy is blessed to have such a good Mom and Dad.
We welcome Lucy Jayne to our family and can't wait to get her home!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
~Girls Day~
We thought it might be fun to take one day a month, get baby sitters, take the day off work and have just a fun filled GIRLS DAY!! We have done this a few is our day out in November.............
We worked our way south stopping at a few of our favorite stores. Our first stop was Taipan.......we ended up shopping way to long and did not make it any further....
None of us were really planning on buying anything....Ya Right! OOPSWe knew better
After a great lunch at Zuppas there were warm soaking tubs waiting for us.....A PEDDY!! This was just what our little tootsies needed
Toes ready and willing to move on to the next stop....
A few favorite boutique shops.........
Cute little Sara pulled her size of jeans only to find it might be a tiny bit longer till they fit :)
A little Spoon Me anyone......A favorite spot of Megan's
It was a Great Day...How did I get so lucky to have FOURFUNFABULOUS Daughters.... Sure love you all:)
HMMMM we need to start planning next month's
Sunday, November 8, 2009
One Sensational Shower!!
My Sisters & Mom pulled off an ADORABLE shower. Sara is known for her"BLING"...she was crowned Princess for the night.
Everything was so cute.....the tables were adorned with flowers, jewels and a diaper cake bejeweled with darling accessories for theNew Little Princess.
Notice the binky...BORN TO SHOP~this is very fitting.... as I'm sure she will take after her mother, her Grandma Lou, her Great Grandmother etc. etc.~ This is the kind of cake that will be kept in little LUCY'S room for a very long time. It was incredible!! ~Thanks Kathy~
Sara and Winston were Showered with a lot of fun gifts fit for a Princess!! These little shirts were hand made ~Thanks Brooke~
We missed our family in Arizona but much appreciated their support also!!
Sara's friends were there to share in the excitement of the upcoming Little Princess!!
Phew!!! The quilts are finished......they were so much fun to make!! I can hardly wait to snuggle up with the new little one
These are my Incredible Sisters that made this all happen!! Thank you, Thank you!! It was so much fun.... everyone enjoyed the BLING and the food was delicious too :)
This cute little couple can hardly wait for the new Little Princess to arrive.....The perfect mom and dad waiting to start their families story....Once upon a time......we shall see....
Love to you all!!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Halloween Happenings...
School programs, parades, and an afternoon with Lou! Of course we must start with an after school snack...chocolate straws and two adorable little boys.
Josh wanted his turn to use the "Steam Roller" ~ baking with boys is an adventure :)
Of course they found a variety of ways to use the frosting.....
Josh is always great to entertain us!
Family Party
Did I say family????? Where is everyone? We missed Sara,Winston & Mark!! Other pressing engagements took them from us but I can always count on the boys to enjoy the fun. A little ghost breath captured their attention ~Dry Ice~
You might find the boys passing the time by doing these.....take note of Josh's perfect form on his hand stand....funny
Our traditional pictures ~ I'm thinkin' Katie's friend thinks we are a little crazy.......Yes we are ~ but you can't say we don't have fun!!
My Favorite picture of the night.......
Meg could hardly wait to carve her pumpkin and take off with her friends for a Halloween Party!!
Hope you all had a spooktacularHalloween!!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Another Fun Sewing Retreat! I must say ILoveLove the30 Reproduction Printsthey are so much fun to work with.
Our quilt had to be strategically laid out before we could start to put it took us almost the first whole day....some a little longer ~ he he he~
Mom and Cari spent their time working on other projects......SO CUTE!!
Meal Time ~A much needed break from sewing~
"You can always tell a quilter from the threads she wears"
This is my Finished Quilt along with the block that will go on the back!! I am so happy to have it all finished and ready to go off to the quilter~It Will Be One Of My Favorites~ Another fun quilt to Fold, Adore, Snuggle Up In, CherishandRemember!!
Thanks to all who shared in the FUN..I Love Spending Time With My Sisters & Mom